
Just a quick one

Just a quick one
*Note- This is loosely based off of a comic I read, which can be found here: http://kiriakakis.net/comics/mused/a-day-at-the-park.
            As I sat on the bench, on the cold fall day, somebody walked up to me who would change me. For better or for worse, I could not say, but they would give me something new to add to my collection, my collection of questions that I kept in the safe of my mind.
            They walked up, and sat down on the bench. They were old, and had that look on their face that just made one know that they were truly set in their ways. They had a child with them, no older than seven or eight. The older one turned to me, and said a long, seemingly drawn out “Hello.”
            “Hello. How are you today?”
            They laughed and said “Why, I’m doing just fine thank you. And you?”
            “Well, I’m doing fine as well. Except…”
            “Except what? What’s on your mind young man?”
            “Well, you see, I have this little collection of mine. And-“
            They cut me off abruptly with an “Ah, it’s nice to see young people collecting things as well. You see, I collect things as well. Though, mine is more of a mental collection than anything.”
            “Mine is too! You see, I collect questions, just find some and store them in my mind. I constantly think on them, trying to find new answers. However, this one question has been troubling me, which is-“
            “Bah, what good are questions? What you need are some nice solid answers for those questions of yours, that’ll solve your problem. You young people, always asking questions. Crazy, the lot of you.”
            “Well, you see, I’ll have to disagree. Questions are just as important as answers, and maybe even more important.”
            “Well what makes you think that?”
            “Well, you see, the right questions never really die. They just evolve to the circumstance, because the right questions either never have solid answers or have multiple answers which can all be thought on.”
            “Yes, but answers can evolve too. Just change a few words, a little phrasing here and there, and bam! You’ve got yourself the same answer, just changed a little, and it still fits.”
            “But is that really changing? Answers are set in their ways,         they can’t truly change. And if they do, then is it the same answer? Or is it just a new one, while the old one died?”
            He sat there, pondering that for a while. After this while, he looked up and said “But what of your questions? They are nothing without answers, because without answers they are just frustrating and serve no purpose.”
            “No, no, I agree that answers are important. But without questions, answers are nothing as well. Questions breed answers, which in turn breed questions. But which is more important? Which came first, the question or the answer?”
            He ignored my last point, and just jumped a little and said “Ah ha! So you do collect answers.”
            “Well, yes. Without answers, I would never act. I can’t be agnostic on every aspect of life, constantly questioning everything. I need to have some answer, but most of them are just temporary answers. Answers need to be thrown away for new ones every once in a while, while questions don’t.”
            “But what if the question is over? Like what if the question was something like ‘What should I eat tonight’?”
            “Those aren’t the type of question I’m talking about. I mean questions like ‘What is the purpose of me being here?’ and ‘Is there a god?’ I collect evolving questions, the ones that last. And you haven’t answered my question, which came first, the question or the answer?”
            At this point the child piped up, saying “You’re silly, we’re here to help people and make people happy.”
            “How do you know that?” I asked inquisitively.
            “Because when people are sad it makes everything sad, but when people are happy everything is better.”
            I smiled genuinely at the child’s innocence. “Yes, I understand that. But what if that’s not my purpose, but yours? What if you need to make your own purpose?”
            The child looked at my wide eyed, then smiled. “I know what I want to be when I grow up! I want to be a happy fairy, and make everybody happy.”
            The old person and I smiled, and then he looked at me. “The answer to your question is the question. The question came first, not the answer.”
            “Exactly. Without questions, there wouldn’t be answers. But without answers, questions would have no purpose. At this point, it’s just a question of opinion as to which one is more important.”
            He stood up, and took the child’s hand. “Let’s go, and leave the nice man with his questions.”
            I smiled and waved goodbye to them, hoping to have changed them.
            He turned around though, and yelled back “But I have a question for you to add to your collection. If you collect questions, does it help you or hurt you?”
            I smiled, and silently added that question, along with the one I never got to ask.



            I was playing in the sandbox with my friend when she said “My mommy said that Mrs.  Deophilep won’t be our teacher anymore.”
            “My mommy said so too. Daddy was with her, and they both looked really scared. Like they were about to poop their pants.”
            We both laughed at that, and then she said “My mommy wouldn’t tell me why though. All she would say is she is a bad person who would be going away for a long time.”
            “I’m going to miss her, she was nice. But she asked me all these weird questions, like did she ever ask to talk to me alone, or do anything that made me feel funny. It was starting to scare me.”
            “My mommy asked me things too! She asked me if she ever got really close to me, or hugged me a lot. It was scary.”
            We both continued playing in the sandbox, and our conversation moved on. We played for a long time, but then my mommy told me to come inside. I said good bye to my friend, and ran inside.
            I sat cuddling with my mommy on the couch watching TV, when Mrs. Deophilep came on. I got all excited and said “Mommy, look! It’s my old teacher.”
            Mommy looked really worried, and said “Let’s change the channel; I don’t want you seeing her anymore.”
            “But mommy, I want to watch her on TV.”                                  
            “No honey, and stop whining.” She said as she changed the channel. But before she changed the channel, I saw Mrs. Deophilep being dragged away by policemen.
            “Mommy, why was she being taken by policemen? I thought policemen were nice.”
            “Policemen are nice sweetie, she wasn’t nice though. That’s why they were taking her.”
            “No, she was the nicest teacher I’ve ever had. She would always help me with my work, hug me when she saw me, and she was really nice to me.”
            My mom got really upset at that and started crying. I was really surprised by that, mommy never cried. I walked over to her and hugged her.
            “Don’t cry mommy. It’s okay.” We sat like that for a while longer, until I fell asleep. I slept like that for a long time, dreaming of mommy being happy and Mrs. Deophilep being nice like I thought she was.