

            It was the blackest dark, so pitch black that nothing seemed to exist. It was as though I was looking into the absolute presence of nothingness, I was looking into the void. I felt nothing, I saw nothing, and I heard nothing. It was terrifying, because it felt as though the nothingness was closing in on me, suffocating me, and was going to kill me.
            The feeling came first, the intense cold. It was so cold, that it felt as though icicles were being shoved into my skin in every pore and inch of my body. Then came the light. It was a small pinprick, just a little poke in the fabric of nothingness to give me hope that I could get out alive.
            The light got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until it was a gigantic swirling net of light and dark. Everything was in constant motion, moving around, enveloping each other, collapsing in on itself, dying and being born. There was dark in the gaps of the light, and it was beautiful, yet terrifying.
            I started to be able to see more detail in the light, slowly becoming more and more defined until I could make out big balls of fire and light. I passed by a gigantic one that was a bright red in some places, and a dark red in others. As I passed by it, it warmed my skin and saved me from the ice pricks that had been tearing away at my flesh.
            I passed by a small white ball, which didn’t give off much heat. I passed by a blue one, which wasn’t as big as the red one but not as small as the white one. I passed by an orange one, which was midway between the white and the red one. I even passed by a red and a white star right next to each other.
            Then I started passing by balls of clouds, not solid but not water either. Then it was balls of rock, all different colors. There was a blue-green one, a red one, then one all kinds of colors. It was green, and blue, and white, yellowish orange, and all different combinations. I moved in towards that one.
            As I moved in towards the ball of rock, more features started becoming apparent. I saw big triangles of rock, lines of water, and big pools of water. Then I went through papery green things, and started going into a group of things that were moving around on two legs and making noises. Then I realized, I could hear things now. This was strange after all that had happened.
            I went into a small triangle of cloth, and close towards a moving thing that was screaming. I went into its center, and through a liquid. I went through a wall, more liquid, then into another moving thing. Then I saw things from that moving things perspective. We went out of the wall through a little opening, down a passageway, and out of another hole. We let out a scream, and liquid started moving down my face. I was scared, I was in a moving thing and didn’t know why, and was confined to it after all I had seen. And then I forgot.


  1. I don't get it.

    1. It's the universe, going from large scale to small, from a spirits perspective and ending by the spirit becoming a baby.
