

            Do you believe in monsters? Do you believe in the ghosts of tales told around the campfires of families so oblivious to the real horrors of the world? Because you shouldn’t. The real monsters of the world are ten times more terrifying than any concoction of the mind, and ten times as deadly.
            These monsters also lurk within us. Biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Just waiting, waiting for their opportunity to kill and devour the victim which had so long harbored them. They attack without warning, and it could be triggered by anything. A bad day, a bad morning even. But they do attack.
            Everybody has one. Everybody has a monster lurking within them, seeking out their weakest moments like a shark to blood and destroying the chain that maintains us. Be it our anger, our sadness, our anything, they will attack.
            They have the capacity to destroy the lives of countless people. Yet they settle for destroying one, maybe two people in most cases. Granted, in some cases they will go all out and destroy the lives of more, but rarely do they destroy the lives of all that they are capable of.
            One day, the monster will come out. Be it in the form of rage, depression, addiction, it will come out. It will come out in you, it will come out in me. The monsters aren’t ten foot tall creatures, no, the monsters? The monsters are everybody. The monsters are every living soul on this planet.
            And that is perhaps the scariest thought of all.

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