
Shadows do fall

Shadows do Fall

What is day but another construction to give us hope?
What is night but a different construction to take it away?
As cold winds blow across the globe,
In the bitter winds the trees do sway.
As day brings warmth and life to Earth,
Night brings chill and death.
As the fire extinguishes in Gaia’s hearth,
I lay poor Gaia to rest.
Orion is but a cruel lover,
Who gives but then takes away.
He gives her ground that light does cover,
And then makes her dismay.
As stone turns to dirt beneath her skin,
And as that dirt turns cold.
The trial of darkness does begin,
And she goes through strife untold.
Flowers wither beneath the moon,
Who has an unflinching gaze.
And yet poor Gaia still does swoon,
As though she goes through a haze.
Life brings life to surface,
And death brings death still more.
And life has but one spoken purpose,
Which is to bring us to death’s shore.

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