

Behold, the winds, a tempest blows,
Back and forth plays the tug of war,
A tug of war for all our souls,
So through Hell’s gates or Heaven’s door?

Which one is to choose?
Well let’s count the difference.
For one you pay your dues,
The other you pay your deference.

For one is pain on Earth,
For the other is pain in afterlife.
For one is a warm hearth,
For the other is everlasting strife.

So as I walk into the void,
I know my choice is clear, at end.
And my choice cannot be destroyed,
So I greet death as an old friend.



As I lay me down to rest,
Lay the hammer across my chest.
Feel the steel so chilled and cold,
Keep it there ‘till time grows old.

As I lay me down to rest,
Lay the sickle across my chest.
Feel the warmth of leather cured,
Into me the warmth is lured.

Dozens of servants to rest with me,
Knowing there’s nowhere to flee.
Stone surrounding, closing in,
And the light will still grow dim.

Golden priests, line by line,
All to put coins on my eyes.
Close my eyes as I go to sleep,
And across the Nile my soul will keep.


Rose Tinted Glasses

Rose Tinted Glasses
As rose tinted glasses break,
I see the world anew.
I see the man, who will try to take,
Everything I do.

There is no sorrow with greater sadness,
And no kindness less kind,
Than letting a child wander into madness,
And leaving thought behind.

And so, without any joy,
And without any glee,
I take away the child’s toy,
And feed it to the sea.



Though you may feel down,
And you may feel alone,
Always remember,
You’re not on your own.
Somebody loves you,
Somebody cares.
And when you fall down,
They’ll be right there.



            I trudged through the bleak, dreary city on a cloudy day, and passed by many people on my way. I always find it interesting to watch others, I always have. I’ve always been interested in watching other people, particularly how they behave, and how they talk.
            Some people act like life is horrible, and they would rather be dead. Some people act as though life is great, and they wouldn’t trade it for anything. But most people just go through the day, go through the motions, and go through life without batting an eye or giving it a thought.
            However, everybody has a cross to bear. Some people’s crosses are made of different materials, and some have slightly bigger or smaller crosses, and sometimes people even add weight to their crosses. But everybody still carries their cross.
            I always wondered how my cross looked. Was it big or small? Was it made of heavy or light material? I never got the answer to that. Nobody could tell me, and I couldn’t see it. And that was slowly killing me.
            I passed by one person, his cross was massive. It was the largest cross I had ever seen, and it kept on getting more weight on it. But he never stumbled, he never fell due to it. He never let it drag him down.
            In fact, it almost seemed like the heavier his cross became, the lighter the bounce in his step was, the brighter the glint in his eye was. He was always laughing, always smiling, every time I saw him.
            I saw him a lot, and I always paid special attention to him. Why would he always be so happy when he had such a heavy weight? Why would he never let it pull him down? That word always plagued me, always frustrated me.

Follow me,
Pick up your cross.
Follow me,
Forget your loss.
Follow me,
Let this be true.
Follow me,
I remember you.



Is not peace as sweet in death as any other?
Is not life a light until it gets smothered?
For while peace in death lays me to rest,
Life is as sweet as the sweetest crest,
For without living crest you shall not do.

Is not peace in life as sweet as death?
Is not death itself a chilling breath?
For with the kiss of death comes sorrow,
Yet with it comes reassurance for tomorrow,
And I felt the coldest winds as they blew.

Is not acceptance for what will come a blessing?
Is not denial of what is ahead a cause for stressing?
For while sorrow comes with cold winds,
Acceptance comes from within,
And those winds shall not take you with no clue.


Devil Makes No Deals

Devil Makes No Deals
            I sat in my room, huddled in the corner. My eyes darted around the room, looking for some hint of where that thing was. My desk was overturned, papers scattered all over the floor. My bed was torn to shreds, my wallpaper was peeling. I was terrified.
            It all started ten years ago. My life was going downhill, and fast. I don’t just mean fast, I mean greased up race car flooring it fast. I had a heroin addiction, I didn’t have a job, and I was prostituting myself just to stay alive and feed my addiction. I lost my home, my girlfriend, everything.
            But then, a client of mine told me about something I could do. He told me about a ritual I could go through to get my life on track. He said I would only get a set amount of years to live after that, but at the rate I was going I probably wouldn’t have lived much longer anyways.
            So I did the ritual. I never was superstitious, but I was willing to try anything at this point.  I went to the crossroads, buried what I had to, did everything I had to. But then something happened he hadn’t told me about. A thing appeared. I wasn’t sure whether it was man or woman, young or old. All I could tell is that it was beautiful.
            It asked me what I wanted, so I told it that I wanted to get my life on track. It walked up to me and kissed me, then pulled away and said that I had ten years. I went to ask it what would happen then, but it was gone.
             After that I really got my life back on track. I got a job, a home, money, and a girlfriend. I quit heroin, and for good. I was happy for the first time in my life. I was really happy, and that had never happened before.
            But there was a price to pay. A horrible, horrible price. The day those ten years were up, which was today, I was sitting in my room, about to go to sleep. But then I opened my eyes, and this horrible figure was above me. I could see it, but not really see it. It was almost a product of my mind.
But at the same time I knew it was there. It was just sitting there, not doing anything. But then it attacked me. It was silent while doing it, staring at me all the while. I jumped out of its way, and it tore my bed to shreds. I moved again, and it knocked over my desk.
            This went on for some time, but then it disappeared. Then I went to the corner I was in now, huddled up, waiting for something to happen. Anything really, I just wanted it to be over and done with.
            I sat there for hours, not moving besides shaking in my place, and just glancing all around the room. Nothing was happening, yet I kept on feeling a sense of anxiety as I sat there. I felt as though the entire world had their eyes on me, and they were laughing.
            I looked up, and it was there. It was the figure I saw at the crossroads, but this time it wasn’t beautiful. It was hideous, it was terrifying, and it destroyed me to look at it. I hated it with a passion, and I had to get away.
            I ran across the room, and it just stood there, staring at me. I stared it down, and it took one step, making me flinch. Then it took another, and another, and one more, slowly picking up pace. I backed up more and more, trying to get away.
            I got to a window, and couldn’t back up anymore. But still it proceeded. I tried to move to either side, but it moved to the side with me, almost gliding to the side. I looked backwards, clenched my teeth, and made up my mind. And then I jumped.

At the ghastly kiss,
Something seems amiss,
For the devil makes no deals.
As the bell tolls,
And the bodies roll,
I know the devil makes no deals.